My husband is a kind, selfless man who loves his children. We have been together for 3 ½ years. When we first began seeing one another, my youngest was seven, and my oldest was 10. We decided not to have any children of our own. I worried, at first, that my husband would regret marrying an older woman with older children. He has told us from the beginning that my girls are his daughters, and they are all he needs. He has said the words, “They are enough for me, and I love them like they are mine.”
I know, at times, how difficult it must be for him. He never complains, but I can see it in his blue eyes. Our girls love him, respect him, and consider him their second father. I know that he worries that they are constantly looking over his shoulder, comparing him to their bio dad. His role is different than most step-dads. The girls will be his only children. All of their firsts—first breath, first word, first step, and the first day of school, are moments where he is absent. Yet he chooses to be the best dad every day. He is there for the triumphs, for the broken hearts, for homework, and goodnight stories. He is there for so many firsts that are continually unfolding. He is a pivotal part of their lives, a huge influence on the young women they are becoming. They learn so much from my sweet husband. They learn that there are good men out there who love their families more than anything. They have a father who is their champion. When they are adults, they will search for someone like him to share their lives with. These are the things that make a man a father, what he does and who he is for his children.
I am so grateful that you are my husband and my children’s father. Thank you for being such a strong, sweet, loving, patient, funny, intelligent, and amazing father. Happy Father’s Day, Bob.
Photocredit for featured image: rwangsa @ Flickr
Trish Eklund has lived in Nebraska for almost fifteen years, raising her two daughters of ten and thirteen with her husband, ex-husband and his wife. Taking a nontraditional approach to raising children after divorce and remarriage, all four adults co-parent their daughters. Trish is a feature writer for Big Blended Family, and also for Her View From Home in the family category, touching on divorce, remarriage, and co-parenting issues. Visit her personal blog by clicking HERE.
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